Springfield: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{OfficeInfobox | office_name = Los Angeles Office | office_address = 456 Sunset Blvd | office_city = Los Angeles | office_state = CA | office_zip = 90001 }} Add additional information about the Los Angeles Office here.")
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Line 1: Line 1:
|db = DataDemo
|query = office
|data = office_address=office_address, office_city=office_city, office_state=office_state, office_zip=office_zip
| office_name = Los Angeles Office
| office_name = {{{office_city}}}
| office_address = 456 Sunset Blvd
| office_address = {{{office_address}}}
| office_city = Los Angeles
| office_city = {{{office_city}}}
| office_state = CA
| office_state = {{{office_state}}}
| office_zip = 90001
| office_zip = {{{office_zip}}}

Add additional information about the Los Angeles Office here.
Add additional information about the {{{office_city}}} Office here.

Revision as of 18:44, 1 June 2024

The prepared statement office is not set up for the database ID DataDemo.

Address: {{{office_Address}}}
City, ST Zip: {{{office_City}}}, {{{office_State}}} {{{office_Zip}}}
Employees: {{{emp_Count}}}
Manager: {{{mgr_First}}} {{{mgr_Last}}}
Receptionist: {{{rec_First}}} {{{rec_Last}}}

Add additional information about the {{{office_city}}} Office here.